
Showing posts from 2011

Not-quite Monday Musings: Happy Holidays

Monday Musings: Midnight Habits, More Vampires & Steampunk Flashbacks

Post-Monday Musings: Things that are c-c-c-cold!

The Pre-Holiday Descent Towards Madness (narrowly avoided)

Monday Musings: Books and more books

Monday Musings: Rich Text Editors, Holidays, and Orson Scott Card

Monday Musings: Mythologies, More NaNo, and other assorted ramblings

Monday Musings: To 10,000 . . . and beyond (maybe)

Monday Musings: HALO, Shelfari, and Password Woes

Inadvertent (probably) Advertising Humor

Monday Musings: Scented Candles, Rocking-Chairs and "The Night Circus"

Just because you're female, doesn't mean you can't be sexist.

Images, Emotion and Fog

Part of my mind will always measure time in school-years.

Something Borrowed, Something New

Look, no links!

Dying Arts, Dying Magic: Part II (or: Reasons to Read and Why I Do)

Dying Arts, Dying Magic: Part I

Social Media: Facebook

Things I've Learned About Design - the "rather more than a year" list

Practical Geek Decorating

The sad state of saving vs. spending

Depressing - and yet somehow - inspirational

Things Profoundly and/or Vaguely Literary in Nature

The Monday Grays

Signs of Uber Nerd/Geek-dom: