The sad state of saving vs. spending

Disclaimer: This post relates vaguely to technology in that there will be mention of BUYING technology. Also to reading, in that there was reading involved in the pre-writing process.

I want to buy a new laptop. Not just any laptop, a top-of-the-line laptop that will give me the gaming/streaming power that I feel any self-respecting geek/gamer should have. Unfortunately, that kind of purchase requires a significant chunk of money, so I've been saving up. In the process, I noticed something both odd and frustrating. While the first 2 weeks of my 4 week budget go extremely well, by the 3rd week I develop a serious shopping craving, and by the 4th week, my budget is seriously straining. And I couldn't figure out why.

According to Comedian Adam Hills: "You only buy shit if you feel shit." I think there's a lot of truth to that statement. But I hadn't noticed a change in my depression or angst levels that neatly coincides with this.

Occasionally when faced with something I don't understand, I become quite the researcher. So I turned to Google. And I found out quite a few interesting things about the "urge to splurge" as people call it, compulsive buying, and even how a woman's spending can be linked to her ovulation cycle.

Things I learned:

I am not a compulsive buyer. According to an article posted by MSNBC, compulsive buyers are:
"People who buy compulsively purchase things they don't need, don't use or can't afford. They lose interest in the things they buy and suffer adverse consequences, such as financial problems or family conflict."

Okay then - what IS causing me to have a budget freak-out every 3-4 weeks?

"I'm a woman" actually is a plausible explanation! Just check out this link. Sound like the author is using her hormones as an excuse? I think so too. But knowing that there's a REASON behind this otherwise irrational urge does help.

Which leads me to:
I can plan my way out of this! I freely admit that I am a control freak. I hate the idea that my spending is out of control - or that my emotions are controlling me, rather than vice versa. Some helpful tips that I've come across and have plans to put into use immediately include:
  1. Use cash. There is scientific precedence for this, apparently! It's explained in more detail here, but the nub and gist is that your brain actually freaks out when you attempt to part with a chunk of cash - overriding the part of your brain that's gleeful about owning something new.
  2. Shop with a buddy. And NOT someone who is on a mission to help you improve the appearance of your house or your wardrobe. *sigh* (You know who you are dear, we are BAD shopping buddies. But I <3 you anyway!)
  3. Have a spending goal. Mine is a new laptop. And a trip to Europe at some point.
  4. Don't make excuses. Just own up to the fact that sometimes you spend money when you shouldn't. Admit it. Decide to do better. Move on.
Helpful/entertaining stuff to read: Budgeting for lazy people.


  1. Hmm... very interesting. I had never thought that there might be a connection between a menstrual cycle and shopping. But now that I know, perhaps I will be able to keep better tabs on my spending as well. :-)

  2. One of the other tips I found kind of cool was to carry cash instead of a card. Only carry the budgeted amount - divvied up into envelopes per your spending category.

    Unfortunately, my incredibly materialistic brain immediately thought: I need appropriately cute and sturdy envelopes of a certain size, and of course a wallet that they'll fit in. *facepalm*


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