This is NOT the next [insert fan-favorite story here]

I have many small pet peeves when it comes to book blurbs, and among them is the all-too-common "this is the next [fan-favorite]". I'll admit that I didn't take against this comparison trend until I read one too many "the next Harry Potter"'s. It's mildly [read: very] irritating when one story is touted as being like another, and then bears similarities in such a vague sense that it's barely in the same genre.

So when I read the recommendation quotes on the back cover of this book, and I saw a reference to Firefly, I was immediately on guard. Then I read the quote in it's entirety. Then I read the book - and  - the reference is merited.

This Week's Recommendation

A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe

I'm not sure how Alex White managed to pack so many themes and concepts into a story and have it be not only a cohesive whole, but genuinely good fun to read. A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe follows Nilah - a young, elite, best-of-the-best, magic-savvy racer, and Boots - an ex-military, ex-treasure-hunting, map "creator". When a race goes wrong in inexplicable ways and a map leads somewhere it definitely should not have, Nilah and Boots are pulled into an adventure that neither of them were looking for - with the last people on earth either of them want to spend time with.

I genuinely loved this book. Nilah manages to be both infuriatingly entitled, and thoroughly likable. I won't say that this book is the next Firefly. Only Firefly will ever be Firefly. But I think the crew of the Serenity and the crew of the Capricious could share a dock. 

Read if: You liked Firefly (Surprise!) You enjoy a well-woven combo of sci-fi tech and fantasy magic.You're into a good conspiracy story. You enjoy a good "enemies to comrades or more" trope. 

Warnings: Violence. Death. Bigotry. 


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