Monday self-indulgence
This Week's Recommendation(s)
The Others ~ Series ~ Anne Bishop
Once upon a time, my bookish friend Miche shoved Anne Bishop's Written in Red into my hands, with our often traded refrain of "here, read this!" I expected a typical urban fantasy romance. What I actually got was anything but typical, and it was love at first read.
Meg Corbyn is a naive young woman desperately in need of rescuing, and she plays her own rescuer remarkably well. Simon Wolfgard is quite literally a beast, with better self-control than most human males are afforded in stories. Humanity is shown at both its group worst and group best in these novels, and I've never been happier to be able to root for a world that is all too capable of fighting back against our excesses.
Read if: You aren't looking for a bodice-ripping romance. You like the idea of nature having a very self-aware, very sentient means of protecting itself. You enjoy a good supernatural story where the "good guys" and the "bad guys" are - actually pretty clear cut.
Warnings: Violence. Death. Specieism. Slavery (of sorts). Humans treated as less than human. Hints of abuse.
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